Name: Matthew Bell
Age: 29
Place of Residence: Mandurah
Sponsors: Local BMX
Favourite food/drink: Holly schnitzel and a pint of swan haha
Last song you listened to: Acid king - Blaze in
Top things that get you stoked: Beermx, My lady, My dog, Seeing the doods go in!
Top things that give you the shits: Where do I start.. haha
Current frame that you are running: Johnny Corts custom work frame
Favourite part on your bike and why: Probably all the parts made by riders, Got The Maniacs stem and sprocket and John Corts made the frame.
Handicap rail hop in the wet.
Favourite BMX video growing up: S&M please kill me. It was the first BMX vid I ever owned and it was a burnt copy from one of the locals I grew up riding with. Heavy influence that vid, sweated Stricker haha.
Current favourite BMX video: Been loving all the vids Skerbo's been putting out, bit of everything the way I like it.
Park you grew up riding: Mandurah's old park
Current favourite park in the Perth Metro area: Probably Kwinana, Perry's and Wanneroo
Top park you have rode in WA outside the metro area: Margs and Manjimup, Parks are Probably WA's best! Sorry all you Scarborough lovers
Top places you have been to ride: Catty, Posh and Hazelwood. Fastest I've ever been on my bike haha.
Top places you have been not riding: Ningaloo reef
Top places you want to go to ride: Anywhere I haven't been really
Favourite WA Street rider: Jamo
Favourite WA Trails rider: Jamo
Favourite WA Park rider: Jamo
Favourite BMX memory/memories: They've all been pretty good. All the times the older doods would throw me in the car and take me along on their trips and all the trips over the years I don't think I've stopped laughing haha.
Wallride at the Industrail ramp.
Any thanks? Mike and Jackie at Local BMX, Foam rollers, My physio, all the sick heads out there that have made me laugh, cracked a beer with me, let me crash on their couch and my lady for always backing it 100%